The Leptin Diet Jump-Start Program is a short-term diet high in protein and fiber that will help get your appetite back under control and kick metabolism into gear!
Crash diets are detrimental to your health as they cause leptin to go into "starvation mode", which means you will likely gain back all the weight you lose as soon as you start eating more. The Jump-Start plan enables you to rapidly get back on track without inducing a leptin problem. To the contrary, you'll get leptin pointed in the right direction.*
In addition to losing weight, this program helps shrink the size of your stomach, and gets you out of a metabolic rut. This plan is simple and easy to follow.*
Phase 1 – Day 1-4 (or longer if needed)
Your basic meal consists of 1 to 1½ scoops of Daily Protein™ and 1 heaping tablespoon of LeptiFiber® mixed with organic 2% milk, rice milk, vegetable juice, or half fruit juice / half water (avoid soy milk). You may blend a piece of fruit into your protein smoothie or eat it on the side. This is your breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the first three days. On the fourth day, have a protein drink for breakfast and lunch and then eat a 400 to 500 calorie dinner. Eat a 4 to 6 ounce portion of any lean protein or 2% cottage cheese, two servings of vegetables, one serving of complex carbohydrate, one bite of dessert (or no dessert). Take the Leptin Control Pack® (or at least Leptinal®), Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™, and any other needed supplements with each meal.* The first day or two is always the hardest, especially at night. Use your willpower and after a few days you will be amazed that most of your cravings are totally gone.*
Phase 2 – Day 5-20
Decide how much weight you want to lose and the rate you want to go. You can either have two protein/ fiber drinks per day, usually breakfast and lunch, and then eat a 400 to 500 calorie dinner or you can have the three protein/fiber drinks and eat a dinner every other day or every third day.*
Phase 3 – Day 21+
After three to four weeks, go to one protein/fiber drink at breakfast and two meals per day. Follow The Leptin Diet Five Rules as an ongoing way to eat. You should notice that you feel full and energized on 400 to 500 calorie meals, you have no desire to snack or eat after dinner, and you continue to lose weight if weight loss is needed. If you find yourself in a bad eating pattern or overeat at a meal, just go back to Phase 1 or Phase 2 to get back on track.*
Read Jump-Start Your Weight Loss for more details on this program.
Discover the Five Rules of the Leptin Diet for weight loss success.
READ MOREBest supplements for leptin support and metabolism.
SHOP NOWLeptin books to help your improve your health!
Delicious Leptin Diet approved recipes.
READ MOREI have spent more than twenty years on the front lines of clinical nutrition helping thousands of people solve very difficult health problems – naturally. In all these years I have never encountered more powerful principles of health than those relating to leptin.
There are five simple rules that form the core of The Leptin Diet. The <i>quality</i> of the food you eat is of course important. What is interesting about The Leptin Diet is that it is just as important when you eat as what you eat.
In order to really take charge of leptin you have to actively manage it. Think of leptin as the conductor of your orchestra; will you play beautiful music or does your body suffer from out of tune noise?
** These are individual results. Results may vary.