How Leptin Regulates Bone Health
The overall function of thyroid hormone in your body is occurring with permission from the big hormone boss, leptin. Not surprisingly, leptin regulation of bone is even more important than thyroid regulation of bone. We now understand that leptin regulates bone in two primary ways:
1) Leptin signals your subconscious brain (hypothalamus) to turn on sympathetic nerves that directly regulate the activity of osteoblasts, acting in synergistic tone with the TSH signal (which is released in the first place with permission from leptin).
2) Leptin circulating in your blood goes into your bone and directly manages the behavior of ...
The Leptin Diet explains how to unleash the power of hormones to resolve fatigue, food cravings,...
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Leptin Control Pack
This is our most popular support package for weight management. Take one pack in the morning and one...
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